A weekly audit to review all fire exits on multiple floors across multiple buildings
All user access to ATP is controlled by your organisation via your own private administration dashboard.
You can assign users to the mobile app individually or as groups.
When using shared group devices with one shared user login, individual user IDs can be captured using a barcode or RFID tag via a user ID badge and easily scanned into ATP.
Once logged in, the user will be presented with one or more workflows.
Each workflow represents a different task or process flow your user needs to follow to complete a job.
Users can be assigned to different workflows to perform different tasks and processes.
Workflow tasks and process are created by our Workflow Builder software and customised to your requirements.
Once a week, our client performs a visual inspection of all their fire exists across all their campus buildings. This involved printing a report and ticking boxes at each check point, followed by time for the operator to add that data into Excel. ATP was used to replace the old paper-based process and digitise the data, improving efficiency & saving time.
PDF audits are automatically created at the end of each inspection, and any issues are notified to the relevant people for repair.
Only two auditable actions were required for this Workflow: Pass or Fail, which are applied to multiple checks points for each fire exit.
An inspection failure creates an actionable notification in ATP that will send alerts to managers indicating an inspection has failed. This keeps every user in the loop, with everyone immediately aware of any issues.
Any delay caused by manually processing this data has been removed.
Each inspection was split into buildings, and each building further divided into floors.
We created the ATP Workflow to treat each “page” in the App as a building, further separating floors into “sections”.
This allowed the inspection to be carried out in a logical order and the most efficient path for the person to follow while walking between points. However, the user can record data in any order should the path need to be changed.
We're still on page one of the Workflow in this example, but we have scrolled to the First-Floor inspection steps.
Spitting Workflows into Pages and Sections helps readability and simplifies the process.
If the user exits the app or reboots/turns their device off, ATP will pick up the process right where the user last left it, with all data saved and ready for completion of the Workflow.
Though the fire exit audit follows a specific set of actions, an unexpected incident step was added to ensure any unanticipated actions were recorded.
To ensure the auditor always filled out the Additional Observations comments, this step was made mandatory, even if the operator tapped in “N/A”, it was proof that the step was carried out.
With the final page shown in the audit Workflow, the operator has completed their task. By tapping complete, the data is verified, saved, and automatically synced to the cloud server.
The data is processed, and a PDF file is generated and becomes available for download via the ATP web dashboard.
Any failures or additional observations are sent as alerts to staff required to deal with them.
Proud to announce we've been awarded access to the UK Governments G-Cloud 13 framework.
We're a Microsoft Partner and ISV, currently participating in the UK ISV Success Programme.
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All organisations that have access to NHS patient data and systems must use the Data Security and Protection Toolkit.